Vanlok the Gruesome

The half-troll pirate known as Vanlok the Gruesome is the leader of the Red Ravagers and has terrorized the Brennish Main for more than a decade. He is a ruthless commander that attacks any vessel without discrimination, sinking the ships and crews of those he defeats - often without even looting. The Gamiedran Royal Navy has failed to bring him to justice time and again. It is rumored that Vanlok possesses multiple ships that have been magically-altered to be as specters on the waves, known throughout the region as the Ghastly Fleet.






Drethen Dalco

Drethen "Drett" Dalco is a vagabond with a silver tongue and dangerous aim. "Blessed" with a loose kind of morality, Dalco is the captain of the Starwalk Stowaway. While he maintains he is a "businessman," the nature of his business is often lucrative. Through the years he has secured incredible wealth and influence, however, and has always managed to stay a step ahead of his competitors and enemies.