So It Begins...

The Tales of Ildikar campaign is up-and-running. Stay tuned to this site as a source for everything Ildikar, from personality spotlights to episode summaries to sneak peeks into the future of the series. This is only the beginning...

Link of the Week

Character Class Articles

With entries for almost every class available in the game, this series of articles is a great place to get a feel for your character's role. While not extremely in-depth, they give a valuable overview of the class and its abilities.

Episodes Section

Be sure to check out the Episodes section following each session to find that episode's summary, cut scenes, podcast commentary, and other media files. Stop in this week for the entry for the pilot episode, telling the story of how the Godtouched were born...

   Odds & Ends



 Latest News

 Next On

The Pantheon

The Godtouched have arrived - and the world will never be the same! Tune in to find out what the next step brings...August 11th.



   Game Rules

    Art & Maps










Drett Dalco

Drethen "Drett" Dalco is a vagabond with a silver tongue and dangerous aim. "Blessed" with a loose kind of morality...

 Cut Scenes

The Godstone

Brilliant white light exploded from the Godstone, blasting the companions from their feet...


Last Time

This is the place to find summaries of the latest episodes. Tune in to read about the daring exploits of your characters!

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This is a fan campaign site. Original materials © 2007 by Tales of Ildikar. All official images and materials are property of Wizards of the Coast.

Dungeons and Dragons,® Wizards of the Coast,® "d20 System" and the d20 System logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.





 Did You Know?

Gone & (Nearly) Forgotten

The absence of the gods in Vorel extends to both the Upper and Lower Planes, creating a power vacuum in those realms. The denizens of both heaven and hell struggle to maintain order.